

We encourage writers to submit during the summer months (June 1 – August 31). Submissions received at other times during the year will be added to our queue and response times may be quite long.

We welcome simultaneous submissions but do ask that you let us know as soon as possible if your manuscript has been picked up elsewhere.

If you have questions, please email us at

We welcome submissions of all kinds, and our guidelines are intentionally broad.

Length: Manuscripts may be of any length, short or long, as long as you consider the work to be able to stand alone.

Genre & Form: We welcome all genres, but are generally most interested in what might be described “literary” writing. We accept poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and other forms (such as manuscripts that include illustrations or other media). Collections of short pieces are very welcome as are long and short single works – novels, novellas, poems, stories, etc.

Format: Please submit your manuscript as an attachment in .doc, .docx, or .pdf. Please only send complete manuscripts. If you are submitting a collection, please have all of the work compiled into a single file. We appreciate the inclusion of a brief cover letter.